Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Work, Olympics and Friends

Daddy dropped me off at mommy's work right after I got my shots at the doctor's office. Those things hurt really bad and I wish the doctor would stop poking me with those needles so often :( I hung out with mom the rest of the day at her work. I was really good b/c mommy said to be on my best behavior. This is me hanging out at mommy's desk.

This is me watching the Olympics. I wanted to see what all the hype was about this Phelps guy, turns out he's pretty good. After that I watched the men's basketball, turns out they're pretty good too!

So remember that furry friend I was telling you about? Well here she is. She's always following me around and I'm not sure why. I'm keeping my eyes on her.....

This is my Aunt Kelv. Her and Uncle Karlton were in town over the weekend. She was holding me while mommy snapped some pictures of me with this new bow thing on my head. The two of them tried to get me to smile for a cute picture, but I didn't feel like it. You try putting a new bow thing on your head and smile. I didn't keep it on very long - hehe!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you always leave her fending for herself with nothing to play with when you bring her to work? Sheesh! Have her come hang out with Aunt Kiwi and we'll have some fun!! :-)